I imagine I'm not alone, but I do hate change from the familiar as I get older and more miserable...............
Anyway, a couple of things I've spotted since last night and how to overcome them - feel free to add anything you spot:
"View Unread Posts" is no longer immediately visible when you access the Home Page. I found that incredibly useful and it was always the first thing I looked for to see what the latest drivel by Mr Dump Huck was - fair set me up for the day it did. Anyway, that and other familiar, useful things can be found in the "Quick Links" tab top left, just under the logo.
Avatars should now be working OK - I had to bump up the allowed size, so feel free to add whatever lunacy you wish
Likewise maximum number of posts which can be quoted/embedded in your own posts - now unlimited instead of the default three
Registration now needs Admin approval instead of being purely automatic - this was changed to allow you lot to register quickly and as I was busy sorting things out. I have to set it Admin to keep the hoi polloi out, otherwise we'd be swamped with the Great Unwashed and unlimited numbers of illegal immigrants.
Anything you spot you don't like just ask. I might be able to fix it, I might not - all depends on the mood I'm in.
A Couple Of New Things On This New Forum
Moderator: bosses
A Couple Of New Things On This New Forum
Dragons slain etc..............
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